How To Stop Knee Pain When Bending
Shaina Clemons Health Tips

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How To Stop Knee Pain When Bending

If you suffering with knee pain when bending, it’s likely you’re struggling to keep to your normal routine and do the things you love.

Pain when your knee bends impacts your ability to move and can stop you from walks, exercise, driving and make it really difficult to keep up with your family and friends.

If your knee hurts when bent it can even make lying comfortably in bed, or relaxing on the sofa a challenge and ruin your relaxation time watching your favorite TV shows, or reading a book.

Knee pain is a big problem, and it’s a very common issue that we treat patients for at our clinic.

Why Does My Knee Hurt When Bending?

There are a wide variety of reasons that your knee hurts when bent, however there are some common conditions and causes that appear more often in our clinic.

These include conditions like Arthritis, Bursitis, Tendonitis as well as trauma based causes such as sporting injuries or traffic accidents.

If you are experiencing knee pain when bending that’s lasted for more than a week, is getting worse, or is severely painful, the best advice is to seek a medical professional. Left untreated, certain knee problems can get much worse so we would invite you to Arrange A Free Knee Pain Consultation with one of our specialist physical therapists.

If your knee pain is mild, infrequent or just starting to become a problem, there are some simple home remedies and lifestyle changes that can help you stop your knee hurting when bent, and allow you to live pain-free.

Change To Low Impact Exercises If Your Knee Hurts When Bending

A great idea for anyone suffering knee pain is to look out for what activities cause the problem, and which ones make it worse.

In the short term, if your knee hurts simply due to minor overuse (perhaps after a particular challenging workout), a few days rest should quickly resolve the problem.

In the mean time, you can rest entirely or look to switch to a more knee friendly exercise type such as cycling, swimming, water aerobics or walking.

Knee pain is a common problem for runners due to the high impact nature, and for minor knee pain, a few days rest should get you back to normal.

RICE Method To Relieve Knee Pain

If your knee is hurting as a result of an incident, such as a slip or trip, you may be able to relieve knee pain using the RICE method.

RICE is an acronym which stands for Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate.

For Rest, simply ease up on activity and try to keep your weight off the affected knee.

For Ice, using an ice pack wrapped in a towel or plastic bag for 20 minutes throughout the day reduce swelling and pain.

For Compress, using an bandage around the knee can help reduce swelling. The bandage should feel snug, not tight.

And finally for Elevate, keeping the knee above the level of your heart can also reduce swelling.

For minor trauma-related knee issues, the RICE method can be used at home to reduce pain, and speed up recovery without relying on painkillers.

Apply Heat To Reduce Stiffness Before Bending Your Knee

If bending your knee in painful, and you suffer with arthritis, applying heat may reduce stiffness and offer natural pain relief.

Heat increases circulation, and can help the knee bend more freely, and with less discomfort.

Similar to ice, using a heat pack or hot water bottle wrapped in a towel for 20 minutes at a time throughout the day cause reduce knee pain when bending.

This is especially helpful after periods of inactivity (when you first wake up on a morning after a night’s sleep), as inactivity can increase the stiffness and discomfort when you do begin to move.

Massage If Your Knee Hurts When Bent

Massage is a powerful, drug-free method to relieve muscular and joint pain as well as speed up recovery from injury.

A part of physical therapy treatment will involve hands on massage where you receive tailored treatment to your specific pain points which delivers exactly what your knee needs to feel much better, and move more freely.

Exercises To Reduce Severity And Frequency Of Knee Pain When Bending

Another important part of physical therapy is a personalised exercise plan which enables you to strengthening muscles that support the knee.

Weak muscles can contribute to knee pain as they place more stress on the knee joint, which in turn leads to inflammation, swelling and discomfort when bending and moving.

Exercises can also be used to stretch tight muscles and loosen the joint with can also ease knee pain.

Most Effective Way To Relieve Knee Pain When Bending Long Term

If you’re sick of waking up with stiff knees, struggling through the day with a nagging pain, and worried that it’s getting worse, you are not alone.

We have treat hundreds of people, just like you, who’ve been told that knee pain is a part of getting old, and to rest and take painkillers.

Unfortunately, rest and painkillers rarely works long term (as you will know).

Physical therapy is something that DOES reduce knee pain long term without reliance of painkillers, injections or surgery.

If you want a natural way to reduce your knee pain so you can walk, run, exercise and go through your day without annoying aches, we are here to help.

Right now, we are offering a limited number of Arrange A Free Knee Pain Consultation with one of our specialist physical therapists who treat knee pain on a regular basis. These are limited due to extremely high demand in our clinics as more and more people put their faith in physical therapy.

You can also speak to a member of the team from the comfort of your own home by arranging a Free 15 Minute Telephone Consultation.

Whether you prefer to visit us in clinic, or speak to us over the telephone, the most important thing is to do something!

Knee pain, when left untreated, is likely to get worse, more frequent and could lead to more drastic measures like surgery in the future.

Kim’s Journey To Overcoming Knee Pain

Kim, a patient who came to us with knee pain which was making it impossible to leave her home kindly shared her story:

“I didn’t want to go to grocery store because I wasn’t sure I could make my way through the aisles before my knee hurt so bad that I needed to sit down. Some days I couldn’t even leave home. I was pretty much a house hermit. I was at home every day for about three and a half months.”

Now Kim has regained her independence, feels strong and confident on her feet, and is able to live the life she wants to live.

To finally put an end to your knee pain, start with a Free Knee Pain Consultation or call us on 410-782-3152.

Other Helpful Tips To Ease Your Knee Pain And Stay Active

Download Our Free Knee Pain ReportLearn Quick And Easy Ways To Stop Knee Pain Naturally, Without Prescription Drugs Or Injections

Read Our Blog – What Does My Hip Have to Do with My Knee Pain?

Read Our Blog – Are Squats Bad for My Knees?

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Shaina Clemons

Shaina Clemons

Shaina is the founder and owner of Breakaway Physical Therapy.  She received her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of Maryland Baltimore, along with a Bachelor's degree from Towson University.   Shaina is an Ironman triathlete, with a love of all sports. Exercise is her passion, which plays an important role in both her personal and professional life.  In her free time, Shaina enjoys spending time with her husband and three young children.  Shaina's love of snowboarding led her to her career choice many years ago. 
Shaina Clemons

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