Pregnancy - Breakaway Physical Therapy
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Safe And Effective Postpartum Workouts For New Moms

Safe And Effective Postpartum Workouts For New Moms

As a new mom, you’ve probably been told to take it easy when starting an exercise routine. And you should – your body is undergoing massive changes and needs time to heal after childbirth. But that doesn’t mean that you can never again enjoy the incredible benefits of physical activity and fitness! With proper guidanceContinue Reading »

5 Vital Tips To Restore Your Body After Pregnancy

5 Vital Tips To Restore Your Body After Pregnancy

Becoming a mom is a unique and wonderful journey seeing your bump grow every day and looking forward to the times you’ll spend with your new baby. However, it’s important to remember that your body is doing something extraordinary. It can often take a physical toll on your body and take time to restore yourContinue Reading »

Is This Normal? Common Signs Of Stress Incontinence

Is This Normal? Common Signs Of Stress Incontinence

The other day I was working with a patient who was suffering with pelvic floor issues, and I asked if she experienced any urinary leakage.She confidently responded “No”, then a few seconds later quickly followed up with, “well, except when I cough or sneeze, but that’s normal right?”My response?It is common, but it is notContinue Reading »

How Long Does It Take To Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles?

How Long Does It Take To Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles?

Are you struggling with incontinence, pelvic pain, constipation, pain during sexual intercourse or pelvic organ prolapse that’s leaving you stressed, paranoid and frustrated that you can’t enjoy doing the things you love, with the people you love? Childbirth, trauma related injuries, surgery, obesity and nerve damage can all lead to pelvic floor dysfunction, but youContinue Reading »

Being Active While Pregnant!

Being Active While Pregnant!

Can I workout while I am pregnant? So many women suffer with back pain, hip pain, neck pain, pelvic floor aches, leakage of urine and more while they are pregnant. There are so many changes that happen to our bodies when we become pregnant and grow a baby in our belly. Things shift, stretch and move toContinue Reading »

Is Low Back Pain Normal During Pregnancy?

Is Low Back Pain Normal During Pregnancy?

Low back pain is the most common complaint among women during pregnancy. In fact, studies have shown that between 50-70% of women experience low back pain at some point during pregnancy. While this may be common, it is NOT normal. Frequently, physicians who treat them say that it is just part of pregnancy and itContinue Reading »

3 Safe Postpartum Exercises

3 Safe Postpartum Exercises

“I just had a baby and would like to begin exercising again but I’m not sure where or how to start…”This is a question we are asked by new mommies all of the time in our physical therapy practice and the best answer is: IT DEPENDS! It depends on: Your delivery method (vaginal versus CesareanContinue Reading »

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