This is one of the most common questions that we get asked when people reach out about getting some help with their pelvic floor challenges. Most people have no idea what this sort of treatment looks like and have no idea that physical therapy could help them in the first place. Physical therapy is a hugeContinue Reading »
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Category: Pelvic Floor
The experienced team of therapists at Breakaway Physical Therapy in Crofton have created a selection of helpful articles on the subject of pelvic floor.
Pelvic Pain and Sexual Health- When to Seek Help
Any amount of pelvic pain or discomfort with intimacy is not something that you should live with. Meaning you should get help so that you can have the best pelvic health. Pain is a signal from the body and a message telling us that there is something wrong. The next step is listening to whatContinue Reading »
Best Pelvic Floor Exercises for Postpartum Moms
Having a baby can be one of the most exciting times in your life and change your world for the better. A mom is the most special name we can be given, and a healthy mom and healthy baby is all that matters. That being said, our body changes drastically throughout pregnancy and during ourContinue Reading »
Is This Normal? Common Signs Of Stress Incontinence
The other day I was working with a patient who was suffering with pelvic floor issues, and I asked if she experienced any urinary leakage.She confidently responded “No”, then a few seconds later quickly followed up with, “well, except when I cough or sneeze, but that’s normal right?”My response?It is common, but it is notContinue Reading »
How Long Does It Take To Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles?
Are you struggling with incontinence, pelvic pain, constipation, pain during sexual intercourse or pelvic organ prolapse that’s leaving you stressed, paranoid and frustrated that you can’t enjoy doing the things you love, with the people you love? Childbirth, trauma related injuries, surgery, obesity and nerve damage can all lead to pelvic floor dysfunction, but youContinue Reading »
April Showers – DRIP, DROP, DRIP, DROP
It’s finally April! The birds are chirping and the flowers are blooming. Spring has sprung and the warmer weather is right around the corner. Now that is April, with that comes the dreaded “April Showers.” Even though there might be some rain and poor weather coming our way this month, one “shower” you do NOTContinue Reading »
Pelvic Floor Tools
Many patients have walked into our clinic and looked at our display case to be quite surprised. The display case contains many of our favorite rehab products and great tools for success! As you scan the display case, you will inevitably come across some of our favorite pelvic floor rehab products. As soon as these productsContinue Reading »
Should I See a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist?
This month we are promoting self-care and a New Year meaning a New YOU! With that in mind, it’s important to make sure that you are taking care of yourself in all the important ways. Putting yourself first for a change to make sure that you have the BEST year ahead! Our patients tell us allContinue Reading »
Pelvic Floor PT- What?!
What can I expect in a Pelvic Floor PT Evaluation?It can often be intimidating and sometimes even scary going into a pelvic floor PT session not really knowing what to expect. Even though each pelvic PT clinic is different, here are some things to expect in your first session or evaluation so you can beContinue Reading »
Don’t Keep Sitting IN Pelvic Pain, Get Help Now!
Have you been sitting more over the past month and feeling pelvic pain worsen as the weeks go on?Are you having burning pain and difficulty sitting unless you try one of those cushions that takes pressure off your tailbone?Are you wondering WHY you are having this irritating pain?Do you want to get rid of yourContinue Reading »