Knee Pain - Breakaway Physical Therapy
Shaina Clemons Health Tips

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How To Stop Knee Pain When Bending

How To Stop Knee Pain When Bending

If you suffering with knee pain when bending, it’s likely you’re struggling to keep to your normal routine and do the things you love. Pain when your knee bends impacts your ability to move and can stop you from walks, exercise, driving and make it really difficult to keep up with your family and friends.Continue Reading »

One Body

One Body

I talk a lot about how we have ONE body, and we need to take care of it. Also, that relates to how our whole body is connected and if you are having some knee pain, then we also need to look at what is going on with your hip, your feet and your walkingContinue Reading »

Is your knee talking to you?

Is your knee talking to you?

Is your knee talking to you? Do you wake up in the morning and don’t want to get out of bed because when you take a step and your knee starts aching? Do you feel off balance and unstable around your knee joint? Do you look for support or something to grab a hold ofContinue Reading »

What Does My Hip Have to Do with My Knee Pain?

What Does My Hip Have to Do with My Knee Pain?

If you have knee pain, then you or your physician, may decide to use physical therapy to get you back to doing what you love, without pain. There are many types of knee conditions and injuries that can cause knee pain, including ligament tears, repetitive stress, and arthritis. Finding the source of knee pain canContinue Reading »

Are Squats Bad for My Knees?

Are Squats Bad for My Knees?

I recently had a very active patient in her early 60’s with complaints of pain in both knees when she performed stairs, walked downhill, and when she moved from sit to stand after sitting for prolonged periods of time. This pain was beginning to affect her ability to be active and ultimately cause her toContinue Reading »

Should You Exercise With Knee Pain?

Should You Exercise With Knee Pain?

Are you suffering with long term knee pain that is preventing you from being active and getting your workouts completed on a regular basis? Do you feel lost, overwhelmed and confused about how to exercise safely with knee pain, and worried about making the problem worse or doing incurable damage? Well our physical therapist team have workedContinue Reading »

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