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Shaina Clemons Health Tips

"Almost Daily Health Tips From Physical Therapist Shaina Clemons..."


Exercising with Pain?!

Exercising with Pain?!

Is that OK?? We all know that exercising regularly and eating nutritious foods are important for good health, but what if you have pain when you exercise? How are you supposed to be healthy or stay healthy if exercising hurts? Should you just “push through it”?  Should you ignore what your body is telling youContinue Reading »

April Showers – DRIP, DROP, DRIP, DROP

April Showers – DRIP, DROP, DRIP, DROP

It’s finally April! The birds are chirping and the flowers are blooming. Spring has sprung and the warmer weather is right around the corner. Now that is April, with that comes the dreaded “April Showers.” Even though there might be some rain and poor weather coming our way this month, one “shower” you do NOTContinue Reading »

Running Outdoors – Spring Bound

Running Outdoors – Spring Bound

This winter, have you fallen off your workout routine? I know I have! I have always preferred to exercise outdoors so during winter as much as I hate to admit it, I do not challenge myself as much and find myself “going through the motions.” I don’t know about you, but I am very much lookingContinue Reading »

Get Ready for The Outdoors

Get Ready for The Outdoors

With the beautiful weather quickly approaching, it’s time to think about getting outside in the fresh air! I know my kids are ready to head to the woods for some camping trips and fishing adventures! One of the things that we have noticed lately is how out of shape our kids are from not beingContinue Reading »

Pelvic Floor Tools

Pelvic Floor Tools

Many patients have walked into our clinic and looked at our display case to be quite surprised. The display case contains many of our favorite rehab products and great tools for success! As you scan the display case, you will inevitably come across some of our favorite pelvic floor rehab products. As soon as these productsContinue Reading »

LOVE Yourself

LOVE Yourself

February is the month of Showing the LOVE at Breakaway Physical Therapy. And this should be true for you too! It got me to thinking about self-care and how that can fall to the wayside as things get busy…We are spending time helping our kids with virtual school OR homeschool (we took the plunge there)Working fromContinue Reading »

Couple Workouts!!

Couple Workouts!!

It’s the season of love and what better way to start your wellness journey then with your significant other or BFF!! Since we’ve been locked up in quarantine for the past year, we have had to be more creative with the ways that we exercise and move our bodies throughout the day to day… GoingContinue Reading »

Winter Workout Tips

Winter Workout Tips

Are you a runner or walker who does not let the cold weather stop you? Are you still heading out on your bike or taking your kids around the neighborhood on their scooters during the winter months? Do you love to get some fresh air and be outside no matter what the temperatures are? WithContinue Reading »

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