Have you been sitting more over the past month and feeling pelvic pain worsen as the weeks go on?Are you having burning pain and difficulty sitting unless you try one of those cushions that takes pressure off your tailbone?Are you wondering WHY you are having this irritating pain?Do you want to get rid of yourContinue Reading »
"Almost Daily Health Tips From Physical Therapist Shaina Clemons..."
“BreakawayPT LIVE!” Telehealth Physical Therapy Right from the Comfort and Convenience of Your Home
Ask any past or current patient of the Breakaway Physical Therapy family and they will tell you that our physical therapists are beyond passionate about their work and genuinely care about the individual needs of each patient that walks through the door. We recognize that your life and plans may have been completely altered byContinue Reading »
What Does My Hip Have to Do with My Knee Pain?
If you have knee pain, then you or your physician, may decide to use physical therapy to get you back to doing what you love, without pain. There are many types of knee conditions and injuries that can cause knee pain, including ligament tears, repetitive stress, and arthritis. Finding the source of knee pain canContinue Reading »
What Is That Clicking Sound In My Knee When I Bend And Straighten?
Are you or someone you know experiencing a clicking sensation in your knee when you go for bike rides, run, walk or go up and down stairs? You’re not really having too much pain from this sensation, but it is concerning for you and you don’t want it to get in the way of yourContinue Reading »
Are Squats Bad for My Knees?
I recently had a very active patient in her early 60’s with complaints of pain in both knees when she performed stairs, walked downhill, and when she moved from sit to stand after sitting for prolonged periods of time. This pain was beginning to affect her ability to be active and ultimately cause her toContinue Reading »
Should You Exercise With Knee Pain?
Are you suffering with long term knee pain that is preventing you from being active and getting your workouts completed on a regular basis? Do you feel lost, overwhelmed and confused about how to exercise safely with knee pain, and worried about making the problem worse or doing incurable damage? Well our physical therapist team have workedContinue Reading »
Is Low Back Pain Normal During Pregnancy?
Low back pain is the most common complaint among women during pregnancy. In fact, studies have shown that between 50-70% of women experience low back pain at some point during pregnancy. While this may be common, it is NOT normal. Frequently, physicians who treat them say that it is just part of pregnancy and itContinue Reading »
5 Ways To Ease Back Pain While Driving
Do You Have Pain In Your Back, Neck, Shoulders, Hips Or Feet When You Drive? Has anyone ever taught you about the correct position your body should be in when you are driving? How many of you knew you could adjust your steering wheel and chair to properly fit your body? Many of you I amContinue Reading »
Simple Ways to Ease Back Pain When at Work
Do you have back pain while sitting at your desk chair?? Is it harder and harder to concentrate throughout your day because your back pain starts in the morning and then increases the more that you sit at work?? By the time you leave work and drive home, do you feel like you can’t getContinue Reading »
3 Tips to Preventing Back Pain
Millions of Americans suffer each year with back pain. While there can be many causes of back pain one major, and preventable, cause of back pain is muscle strain. If you stress or strain your back muscles by using them frequently and repetitively or by asking them to work harder than they are able theyContinue Reading »