Is Low Back Pain Normal During Pregnancy? - Breakaway Physical Therapy
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Is Low Back Pain Normal During Pregnancy?

Back Pain Pregnant

Low back pain is the most common complaint among women during pregnancy. In fact, studies have shown that between 50-70% of women experience low back pain at some point during pregnancy. While this may be common, it is NOT normal. Frequently, physicians who treat them say that it is just part of pregnancy and it will go away after they give birth. However, research has shown that if low back pain does not resolve in three months postpartum, it’s not going to. Just because you are pregnant does not mean you have to live with back pain. Physical therapy during and after pregnancy can significantly decrease low back pain. 

Common reasons for low back pain during pregnancy include:

  • Changes in hormones during pregnancy
  • Change in the body’s center of gravity
  • Weight gain during pregnancy
  • Changes in posture
  • And added stress

During the second trimester, hormonal changes that lead to ligamentous laxity and a growing fetus that alter a woman’s center of gravity, mass, and posture cause increasing stress to a woman’s body. Any preexisting muscle imbalances, weaknesses, or joint instability will begin to increase strain in the low back. Physical therapists are trained musculoskeletal experts in identifying and treating these conditions to ensure that our pregnant patients move well throughout their whole pregnancy and lower their chances of continued low back pain postpartum.

What can I expect when I go to physical therapy while I’m pregnant?

At Breakaway Physical Therapy, our highly trained physical therapists will assess your posture and body mechanics to help you develop more efficient ways to move throughout your pregnancy with the added demands that are placed upon your body. We will identify any muscular weaknesses and joint instability to develop effective exercises you can safely do and make modifications that will see you through delivery. We will give you tips on ways to improve your labor and delivery experience as well as what you can do immediately postpartum.

Women are strong and resilient and should be able to stay that way throughout pregnancy. Our unique approach to treatment of low back pain during pregnancy focuses on appropriate stretching, strengthening, muscular re-education, and hands-on manual therapy techniques tailored to each individual mom-to-be. Contact us TODAY so that you can have a positive pregnancy experience.

Carissa Reed

Carissa Reed

Carissa started her physical therapy journey in 2001 after graduating from Maryville University in Saint Louis, Missouri with a Bachelor's of Physical Therapy. In 2001, she completed her Doctorate of Physical Therapy at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill where her focus was in women's health studies specifically the effects of exercise during pregnancy.
Carissa Reed

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