Caroline McDaniel, Author at Breakaway Physical Therapy
Shaina Clemons Health Tips

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April Showers – DRIP, DROP, DRIP, DROP

April Showers – DRIP, DROP, DRIP, DROP

It’s finally April! The birds are chirping and the flowers are blooming. Spring has sprung and the warmer weather is right around the corner. Now that is April, with that comes the dreaded “April Showers.” Even though there might be some rain and poor weather coming our way this month, one “shower” you do NOTContinue Reading »

Couple Workouts!!

Couple Workouts!!

It’s the season of love and what better way to start your wellness journey then with your significant other or BFF!! Since we’ve been locked up in quarantine for the past year, we have had to be more creative with the ways that we exercise and move our bodies throughout the day to day… GoingContinue Reading »

Massage the New Year

Massage the New Year

It’s a brand-new year, and what better way to kick of the new year than with a littleself-care. Each year we make new resolutions and try to improve something, give something up, or learn a new hobby. One of the resolutions that I continue to make each year is taking better care of myself. Whether it’sContinue Reading »

Stress Hurts

Stress Hurts

2020 has been a year that will go down in history books forever, but it shouldn’t be the year where you let stress overtake your life. One thing that patients always ask is, “Can my pain be exacerbated by all of the stress I’m under?” The answer to this question is absolutely! Stress and anxiety canContinue Reading »

Pelvic Floor PT- What?!

Pelvic Floor PT- What?!

What can I expect in a Pelvic Floor PT Evaluation?It can often be intimidating and sometimes even scary going into a pelvic floor PT session not really knowing what to expect. Even though each pelvic PT clinic is different, here are some things to expect in your first session or evaluation so you can beContinue Reading »

Sleepy and Back Pain?!

Sleepy and Back Pain?!

Have you ever woken up after a restful night of sleep and thought to yourself, “Man, my back is killing me?” If this is you, chances are you are NOT alone. Before you take the plunge to throw out your mattress, you might want to take a look at your sleeping posture.  Yes, you heardContinue Reading »

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